The Paralympics have always been a testament to human resilience, showcasing the determination and abilities of athletes with disabilities o...
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10 Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship with Your Partner
5:35 PM
Building a healthy and strong relationship takes effort, commitment, and understanding from both partners. Whether you're just starting ...
Spread Sunshine: The Power of Positivity in Your Life
4:44 PM
Positivity is a state of mind that has the power to transform our lives and bring happiness and success. It's a simple yet effective w...
Spend money on this for a happy family | FENG SHUI
11:36 AM
1. More than just maintaining positive energy in the home is accomplished with feng shui. Additionally, it might help you and your family be...
What You Can Do To Make Your Own Mental Sunshine
11:34 PM
Fear is something that defines us as children with a sceptical mindset. We are terrified of the future, of poverty, of unemployment, of dish...
How to Clean Your Kid's LEGO Pieces, Because Think How Gross They Are
7:14 PM
If you have kids, you probably have some type of LEGO bricks (or their generic equivalent) in your home right now. You’ve also probably ste...
How to Introduce a New Partner to Your Parents
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Introducing a new love interest to your mom and dad is nerve-wracking, whether it’s the first or ninth time you’ve done it. What if they do...
How Soon Is It OK to Take a Vacation After Starting a New Job?
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Requesting vacation time after receiving a job offer is a universally tricky ask. Every employee deserves time off, but when you’re brand n...
How to Preemptively Block Ad-Tracking on Your Android
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Later this year, Google will begin blocking advertisers and developers from accessing a device’s advertising ID if users opt-out of persona...
35 Cartoons Your Kids Will Love and You Won't Hate
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When it comes to children’s programming, there is an important balance to be found in content that is engaging, educational, and age-approp...
Can You Really Mute Twitter's Algorithm to Stop Showing Suggested Tweets?
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As Twitter rolls out its new Twitter Blue subscription service, some of us still long for the olden days when the timeline was nothing mor...
Blend Nectarines and Vermouth for a Fruity Summer Sipper
1:16 AM
Beyond the Bellini, there aren’t many famous stone fruit-forward cocktails. But peach and nectarine purees are delicious, if a little visco...
Why You Should Use Your Pandemic Air Miles as Soon as Possible
1:16 AM
Are you sitting on a large pile of air miles reward points? You might want to use them before they’re reduced in value, as the liabilities ...
The Father’s Day Gift Guide For Dads Who Forgot How To Dress Themselves
12:16 AM
At some point, our beloved, dependable dads, full of wisdom, forget how to do seemingly everything. Read more... from Lifehacker https:...
How to Plan a Trip to the Virgin Islands When COVID Restrictions Keep Changing
12:16 AM
Since the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) is a U.S. territory it’s been a popular vacation destination during the pandemic, as travel regulatio...
When Do You Need a Weightlifting Belt?
12:16 AM
Weightlifting belts can be fantastic performance boosters, but they’re very commonly misunderstood—and often misused. So let’s break down w...
How to Tell If Your Company's Pride Campaign Is BS (and What to Do About It)
4:15 AM
Buried toward the lower end of the New York City Pride parade’s partner section on its website , beneath community organizations devoted to...
The Biggest Changes in Firefox 89
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The recent Firefox 89 update overhauls the browser’s desktop interface and introduces several welcome quality of life tweaks and expanded ...
Cicadas Are Land Shrimp, and Other Allergy Cross Reactions You Should Know About
3:14 AM
As the Brood X cicada explosion continues on the east coast, the FDA has issued a warning that if you are allergic to shellfish, you may n...
How to Convince Your Landlord to Let You Sublet Your Apartment
2:14 AM
In theory, you should never sign an apartment lease without intending to live in the unit for the duration. But lie happens, and subletting...
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